
Will you be a big winner in 2023?

The Pontefract & District Fur Fanciers Show, organised by the Pontefract & District Fur Fanciers Society, is the Fancy's biggest annual Rabbit Show. This is the Show that all fanciers, want to do well at.

To win Best In Show here is the culmination of many years hard work as the very best Rabbits from all over the country come together to compete for the honour.

Enter now for 2023......

Big Competition

Rabbit Section

A great Show, judged to Standards determined by the British Rabbit Council

More Details

Big Opportunities

Big Day Out

Lets face it January can be a dismal time of year - we are recovering from the excitement of Christmas (not to mention still paying for it), and the weather is cold and grey.....but not any more!

The Pontefract & District Fur Fanciers Society is an exciting and fun day out for all Rabbit lovers and their families.

There is lots to do and see around the spectacle of Rabbits.

Of course (and most importantly) we are all about education. In fact we challenge you to find more Rabbit experts under one roof anywhere in the world! If you want to find out anything about your own Rabbit or indeed are thinking of getting one - then this is the place to come to learn all you need to know about that pet that you are thinking of as an addition to your family.

Even if lots of cute, cuddly and positively stunning Rabbits aren't enough to tempt you to this show - then the huge variety of craft, food and other trade stalls here should certainly help brighten up your day!

So now you can see we are serious when we say this is one BIG, FUN DAY OUT for all the family